Our Rules & FAQs


Yasgur Road Campground has been hosting campers, hippies & events

Yasgur road Campground` Rules & FAQs

Follow Our Easy Rules To Ensure a Remarkable Stay!

Our rules are simple requests formed from years of experience, & are crucial to maintaining a safe & peaceful environment. We therefore ask for your help & understanding in enforcing them to make the park a safer place. Anyone in violation of these rules will be asked to leave the park without a refund.

If you feel you cannot abide by the rules of the park, please don’t come. If you observe any such problems, please feel free to alert our staff immediately or come to the front gate.

Legendary Place

Located on the historic grounds of the 1969 Woodstock festival, Yasgur Road Campground immerses visitors in a blend of nature and music history. 

100+ Acres of Woods

The campground spans 100 acres and offers a peaceful camping experience with a spirit of kindness and community.

Follow The Rules

The Rules of Yasgur Road Campground

At Yasgur Road Campground, our rules are the strict reminders that help us maintain the harmony and magic of this historic sanctuary, allowing everyone to enjoy the serene beauty and communal spirit that Woodstock embodies; think of them as the guiding notes of a classic song, ensuring that respect for nature, fellow campers, and our shared space reigns supreme, so we can all create unforgettable memories while embracing the peace and love that defines our legacy.

  • Check In Any Time After Sunrise
  • Check Out Before Sunset
  • If You Arrive Before Sunrise/ After Sunset Park, We’ll Take Care Of It Later
  • NO GLASS BOTTLES OR CONTAINERS. Please bring cans. Any glass bottles or other glass containers will be confiscated
  • NO CRUISING: Driving is restricted to entering the park, leaving the park, & to 5 MPH
  • NO FIREARMS OR FIREWORKS ARE ALLOWED IN THE PARK. Both firearms & fireworks will be confiscated
  • NO ILLEGAL SUBSTANCES ARE PERMITTED IN THE PARK. Illegal substances too will be confiscated
  • NO DISORDERLY CONDUCT. Neither careless nor disrespectful conduct will not be tolerated throughout the park
  • NO AXES OR SAWS ARE PERMITTED. Although you are allowed to bring your own firewood, we do sell firewood at the park for $15 per wheelbarrow load.
  • Keep Dogs On 6′ Lead
    • Pick Up After Dogs
    • Stop Aggressive Behavior
    • Keep Control Of Your Best friend At All Times
    • No other pets or livestock.
    • Dogs must be vaccinated.
    • Dogs must be walked in designated areas.
    • Please clean up after.
  • Take Out What You Bring In, Leave Memories not Footprint
  • NO LOUD MUSIC PAST 11 PM. Please be aware of your noise level. Many sites are very close to one another, & not everyone enjoys the same music. There is also a noise ordinance in Portage County that limits everyone to 11 PM when it comes to noise of any kind.
  • NO MORE THAN 3 TENTS PER SITE. Tents must be at least 5 feet apart & 10 feet from the fire pit. This is a state law & will be checked in all campsites.
  • NO DAMAGING TREES OR OTHER WILDLIFE. ($150.00 fine) Anyone damaging or injuring animals, trees, or other wildlife while in the park will be fined, expelled, & face possible prosecution. Please be respectful of all wildlife.
  • NO CHILDREN ARE TO BE UNATTENDED. Because parents and legal guardians are ultimately responsible for the actions of their children, please do not let your child wander around the park alone. You must be 18 years of age or older to camp at Nelson Ledges unless accompanied by a parent or legal guardian* (this does not include day swimming).*LEGAL GARDIAN – If not accompanied by a parent, the legal guardian must present, one, his or her state-issued custody papers and, two, his or her own state-issued photo ID upon arrival.
  • NO RE-ENTRY FROM 2 AM – 8 AM ON REGULAR CAMPING NIGHTS. Because the gate is closed from 2 AM to 8 AM on regular camping (or non-festival) nights, there is no re-entry permitted during these hours.
  • NO RE-ENTRY DURING LARGE FESTIVALS. Because the park is at maximum capacity during our biggest festivals, if you don’t sign out there is no re-entry until Sunday morning. If you have an emergency, need to work, stay at a hotel, or the like, you must always sign out at the gate in order to get back in.
  • Kids – Bring Them
    • 12 and under are no charge

AUGUST 15,16,17 2025 

Yasgur Road Reunion

The Yasgur Road Campground is host to the annual Woodstock Reunion, a  commemoration of the spirit of ’69. For 3 days, and nights, we have vendors,  a stage and a drum circle around the fire. It is the true Woodstock experience. 

In 1970, The Reunion became an annual August event that took place around the  original dates on the original site of Woodstock. In 1996, when the original site was  under development for the Bethel Woods Performing Arts Center, Roy Howard,  subsequent owner of the Yasgur Homestead, generously opened the Yasgur  Homestead to Hippies who continued to gather each year to commemorate the historic  anniversary. 

Today, Jeryl Abramson Howard, wife of the late Roy Howard, continues the tradition of welcoming Hippies home. 

Early Hippie reservations (link to event)